
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sago is the staple food substitute for rice has many benefits for health

Sago Flour is the staple food substitute for rice has many benefits
Sago is the staple food substitute for rice has many benefits for your health : Sago is a kind of flour derived from sago trees. Sago is a staple food in eastern Indonesia such as Maluku and Papua . Sago flour or granulated produced by extracting starch from the pith.

One name in Indonesia for sago trees is rumbia, are found many in the Moluccas, because it is no wonder if the people of Maluku prefer sago instead of rice to be used as a staple food.

Sago tree forest
Sago (Metroxylon Sago Rttb) grows in the swamps in the lowlands. In the market, this staple food is sold as a bulk flour or powder. Besides being used as a staple food, natural materials can also be processed into noodles and other foods.

In 100 grams of dried sago is equivalent to 355 calories. On average it contained 94 grams of carbohydrates, 0.2 grams protein, 0.5 grams fiber, 10 mg calcium, 1.2 mg of iron, and fat, carotene, thiamine, and ascorbic acid in very small content.

sago derived from stems Rumbia
Although it has a low nutrient content, sago also has benefits for the health of the body of which is to improve the immune system, reduces the risk of colon cancer, improving the digestive system, preventing the occurrence of lung cancer, and reduce obesity.

Sago grains contained in the stems
Sago also has properties that can not easily be glucose levels in the blood so it is recommended for diabetics. Then the fiber they contain a substance that serves as a prebiotic. Sago is also widely consumed as a dietary menu with a fixed counterbalance together other foods that contain lots of protein, vitamins like those found in the side dishes as well as vegetables and fruits.

sago starch
Aside from being a staple food, first sago being used to make traditional foods but for today's in modern society, many sago flour processed into food such as sago pancakes, pastries, pudding, cheese corn, vegetable rhombus.

Some traditional food made from sago like below :

Putu Sago
Putu Sago

Sago Papeda, Kuah Yellow, grilled fish Tude
Papeda, Kuah Yellow, grilled fish Tude

Laksan Sago Soup
Laksan Sago Soup

Originale source :,,

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